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Providing a fun and secure

learning environment.


Aventura Learning Center's cutting-edge facilities create more than just your ideal learning environment for students and faculty. With yearly updates to our facilities, we can ensure that your child is receiving the most innovative education there is to offer. Our school contains two main offices, four playgrounds, two cafeterias, a library, conference room, therapy room, and ballroom for extracurricular activities.






To maximize security, cameras can be found on the inside of every room, as well as on the outside of every playground. Each building also has multiple emergency exits located in or near your child's classroom, to effectively escort all students out of the building in the event that the school must be evacuated. All windows are impact-resistant and hurricane-proof, which further enhances the safety measures that are taken to protect our students. Not to mention that the entrances to our buildings, including the lobby and playground doors, are always kept locked; and anyone entering the premises must present a driver's license or photo ID as a necessary safety precaution. No child will be released to anyone, with the exception of his/her parental guardian(s), without parental consent and some form of identification for verification purposes.

At Aventura Learning Center, we rank the safety of your child as our highest priority. Our objective is to maintain a fun, yet safe, loving, and secure, learning environment where your child can thrive. If there is an emergency at hand, we also believe that those who care for your child should be able to administer to their needs in an appropriate and diligent manner; hence, every teacher and staff member at Aventura Learning Center are also CPR and First-Aid Certified.



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© 1997-2024

Aventura Learning Center, Inc.

All Rights Reserved.


Open from 7:30am - 5:30pm, Mon - Fri

305-940-0408 | 305-940-0475



Aventura Learning Center

2320 NE 171 Street

Miami, FL 33160

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